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Unexpected. {Private}

Private 1 x 1 between Sweetsunnyrain and Zika.......

Tags: high school, mxm, private

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Closed

Creator: Zika

Created: 08-27-2012, 12:55 AM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    He couldn't believe that he of all people got called out by Mr. Hofacker. Jason squirmed in his seat, and was unable to concentrate on the lesson all class. He was so ashamed that this happened. Coming to class late because he was hungry?! Unbelievable.

    Jason groaned a little and decided to watch the clock, fearing the time when class finally ended, when he'd have to deal with Mr. Hofacker. He'd never been one of those...those trouble students, like Cooper.

    At this point, Jason didn't even bother to try to listen to the teacher, instead distracting himself from class. After all, if today he was going to be a 'problem student,' might as well do it right.

    After class had ended, Jason slowly walked up towards Mr. Hofacker's desk, and mumbling to himself, " It's not a big deal, it's not a big deal...."

    However, in his mind, it was a pretty big deal, though he didn't let it show. Marching up to Mr. Hofacker's desk for something he did badly was something that he'd never done before.

    " Now Jason, you are a very nice boy, and I believe you have talent...." started Mr. Hofacker, and Jason tried hard not to zone out.


    " What?" Jason was confused for a second, then realized that Mr. Hofacker was looking to him for an answer. Then he noticed that a full five minutes had passed. Did he really zone out for that long?

    " Um..yes sir, I won't do it again," Jason said hurriedly, and rushed out of the door.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Cooper leaned against a set of lockers inside the school; he wasn't about to head to class with so much time left for him to do whatever he wanted. Though, if he was sitting at his desk he could take a nap, but then he would risk looking like a goody-goody because he was early to class. He sighed and shook his head at himself before he just leaned his head back against the locker.

    It took a while for him to get another text and he glanced to his pocket before he pulled out his phone and checked the message.

    ur a dork

    He replied before he sent the message, he then checked the time and headed into the classroom; it wasn't too early now but he could still take a quick nap if he got lucky. He went to his seat in the back of the room and tossed his bag on the floor.

    The black haired male set his head on his desk the moment he sat his butt on his chair and just as his forehead pressed against the cool plastic; the bell for first period went off and a groan escaped his lips. He lifted his head as the teacher walked in and student followed in.

    He glanced around for Jason and raised a brow when he didn't see the younger male; he shrugged and got a note book out.

    Mr. Hofacker started to teach almost right away and five minutes into class; Jason came in, causing Cooper to lift his head, distracted the rest of the class by the teenager.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Jason sighed in relief; So Cooper hadn't thought that he was a jerk. That was a good thing....right? Yeah. It was a good thing, Jason assured himself.

    He took a sip of his drink, which had arrived two minutes before, and smiled to himself, Nothing like coffee to get you up in the morning...

    Jason leaned against the wall of the shop, enjoying his moment of rest. He slipped his iphone out of his pocket, texting Cooper back:

    Oh, well thts a relief, lol.

    After hitting send, Jason took one last look at his phone- and noticed the time.

    Shit! The time!

    Jason ran out of the store, feet pounding on the asphalt below him.

    " Fuck, I'm late!" he yelled, hurriedly rounding the corner, and running from one street to the next.

    He ran into the school building, and down the hallway, finally stopping at his math classroom, yanking the door open.

    Mr. Hofacker looked at the boy, " Mr. Holtz, I suggest you see me after class."

    Jason felt his face turning red as he mumbled, " Yes..sir.." and shuffled to his seat.

  4. Characters in this post:
    The morning felt sticky against his skin; the sky was a dark grey and it looked like it was just about to pour down rain at any moment. He cursed under his breath and wondered why he hadn't grabbed a jacket just in case it had rained even after school, after all it was almost Spring and it often rained in the spring; actually, for all he knew it could start snowing still at any given time. He shrugged his shoulders to himself before his cell phone went off and he looked to it.

    Finally a reply from Jason; he couldn't help but wonder if he got up earlier than he really needed to. He decided he was going to time his walk to school and see if he could spare himself and wake up a bit later from now on.

    No prob i was ut b4 i evn gt ur txt.

    He replied before he sent the message and put his phone back into the front left pocket of his jeans; he sighed before he went back to walking as he glanced up at the sky. He hated rain; he sped up his walk just a bit.

    The teen didn't stop walking until he got to school; he then pulled out his phone and looked at the time, he was about fifteen minutes early and he cursed to himself. He had been waking up earlier than he needed to and the only reason he had realized it was because someone decided to text him in the morning.

    Sometimes he really did feel like an idiot.

    He stepped inside the school before he pulled his phone back out and called his house phone. It rang three times before it went to the answering machine. "Hey Kaidan, it looks like it might rain. Grab your umbrella before you head off to school buddy, don't forget your lunch and stay off the street. I'll see you after work; if you need anything call me." He said before he hung up the phone. He hated when he had to work right after school, but it had to be done.

  5. Characters in this post:
    He brushed his teeth, and checked his face after washing it. While drying his skin with a fluffy white towel, Jason heard the buzzing of his phone, that he had set on the small table outside the bathroom. Pulling on some navy jeans and a blue T-shirt, he blinked sleepily, and grabbed his phone with one hand, slipping into his black converse and swinging his backpack onto his shoulder.

    Reading the message, Jason sighed a sigh of relief, " Ah, at least he didn't misunderstand..."

    Ahaha, yeah, I fell asleep. Sorry about that, man.

    He checked the message again, and then shoved his phone into his back pocket, humming a little as he walked a few blocks towards the school.

    Stopping at that red hand signal thing, Jason realized that he had skipped breakfast. His stomach growled for attention, and he knew that he had to give it something to eat or he wouldn't be able to concentrate in class.

    He checked the time on his phone, " I've got a few minutes..."

    Jason hurried into the nearest Starbucks, and stood in line to order.

    I'll get a mocha frappucchino...

  6. Characters in this post:
    Before the teen's phone went off, it had fallen from his hand and his eyes had closed for the last time that night. His head landed lightly on his pillow and in a few moments he was fast asleep.

    When his cell phone buzzed beside him, he didn't even notice and slept right through the message; he rolled over in his sleep and knocked his phone to the floor. He managed to sleep half way through the night until the feeling of little fingers met his cheek and he woke to Kaidan hovering over him.

    "I had a bad dream!" The boy whispered and the teenager scooted over in his bed and let his little brother curl up with him, wrapping the blanket around them both before they were both out. It was sad, whenever the little boy had a nightmare, he went to his brother rather than his mother; it had been something he had done even when they were both still young.

    The next morning, when Cooper's alarm clock went off, he didn't even have time to turn it off because Kaidan had already rolled over and turned it off for him before he curled back up against his brother's warm back. The black-haired male rolled over and set a light hand on the boy's head, having almost forgotten he had come in the night before because of a bad dream. "What was your dream about?" He asked softly as he yawned a bit.

    "I don't want to talk about it." The little boy said, so his brother just nodded and got out of his bed; just letting him stay there until he wanted to go back to his own room.

    Cooper dug through his closet and pulled on a pair of skinny dark red denim jeans before he pulled on a black tee shirt that said, 'When the zombies come, I'm tripping you'. He then got a pair of socks and pulled them on followed by his shoes, he then went over to his floor and looked around for his phone before he picked it up and pocketed it followed by his wallet.

    "Just don't forget to get back up for school." He told his brother, going over to give the boy a light brotherly kiss on the cheek before he left his room and walked across the hallway, checking his messages in the process.

    He chuckled at what Jason had sent him, he then replied:

    Did u fall aslep or wat?

    He then clicked send and set his phone down; he brushed his teeth and then he straightened his messy black hair, combing it down the best he could before he grabbed his phone and left the bathroom. He grabbed his book bag from the floor just before he headed out of the house to start the walk to school.

  7. Characters in this post:
    He had gotten onto the next chapter when his phone dinged again. Jason rolled over and turned his phone on once more, setting the book down onto the nightstand next to his bed.

    His lips turned up into a smile as he read the first line of text, and then he just burst into laughter at the second.

    " Ahaha! Haha! Oh gosh, this guy..."

    Jason then started texting out his reply, pausing for a moment or so to think about his answer. He was putting way too much effort into this simple text that he honestly didn't need to be doing.

    Lol! I only act nice around that guy because he's my teacher.I would have neverddsfggfd./23

    The text became muddled at the end because Jason's eyes had slowly fluttered close, and the guy had fallen asleep.

    The blonde's hand shifted a little as he moved whilst entering the land of dreams, and the phone slipped from his hand to the ground, accidentally sending the message.

    In the morning, Jason blinked his eyes open sleepily, a hand reaching up to ruffle his golden colored hair, " Ugh...I'm tired..."

    He slipped out of bed, and nearly tripped on his phone that was laying on the ground, " Crap!" yelled Jason as he flipped backwards, landing on his backside, " That hurt...Why the hell is my phone on the ground?"

    And then he remembered the night before, " Right...I was texting that guy...Cooper or something..Crap, did I fall asleep while texting him?! That was so rude of me!"

    Jason scrambled to look at his texting history as he walked towards the bathroom to prepare for school. He groaned when he saw his unreadable text message that he had sent while being half asleep, " Damn, he must think I'm some weirdo or something..."

  8. Characters in this post:
    Cooper kept his head pressed against his off-white colored wall, his hazel eyes staring in front of him at one of the many posters on his bedroom wall. He was curious of what Jason had to say, and he didn't want to have to wait for the morning to find out what he had meant when he called him cuckoo. The blond seemed to be socially awkward or something; that or he was so used to acting fake he didn't even know how to act normal anymore.

    He snorted at the thought. The same thing had happened to Marissa, she stopped knowing who it was okay to talk about behind their back and who it wasn't okay to; after she had started hanging out with the snotty girls, she talked bad about all of her old friends. He had even heard her say shit about him before they broke up, and he had no doubt she was talking even more now that they were over.

    His eyes then went back to his phone when it went off and he picked it up before he chuckled a bit. He could almost picture the expression on the four-eyes face.

    That was a joke, silly. :P

    He played copy cat with the first part of the text message from Jason, sure, for now he would pretend he was just joking around with him. He read the last part of the message and sighed a bit before he typed out a response to it.

    Sometimes? mr. hofucker is bore al the time.

    He added before he clicked send and waited for it to pop up on his screen that the message was sent before he set it down on his night stand. He leaned under his bed and pulled the charger cord up before he pulled it into his phone; he wanted to get it charged before he had the chance to fall asleep.

    Cooper slid down against his wall and ended up laying back down before he rolled onto his side; his hazel eyes slid closed and a yawn escaped his pale lips. Sleep was begging for him.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Jason rolled over again, " Augh...he probably hates me now or something..."

    In all honesty, Jason was overreacting, but he wasn't really used to situations like this. Never did he really text casually with a 'friend.' Not that Cooper was his friend as of now, he was only a student.

    He sighed, but then was surprised by the vibrating of his phone.

    Opening up his messages, he read the text. Jason blushed halfway through.

    What was this guy's thing with the word baby?! Godamn people, thinking that the could do whatever they want to do. But...he doesn't seem mad, so I guess that's good...

    He sighed again, and started to text back:

    That was a joke, silly. :P


    Jason looked the text over several times, wondering if it seemed too...Jason like. He didn't want to make a bad impression via text, as he was almost completely certain that he hadn't made a bad impression in reall life.

    He thought a little bit more, and then added a little bit more to the end:

    And it's fine, go to sleep. You'll need it for school tomorrow. Mr. Hofacker can be a real bore sometimes.

    Jason then hit the send button, wondering if his message was a decent one. Then he rolled over, and decided to read a book, The Princess Bride, that he had started a week ago. So far, he was on page three hundred and two, and had only a few chapters left until he finished. So he opened the dog eared book up, and began to read.

  10. Characters in this post:
    It took a while longer than Cooper had expected for his phone to go off again. It felt like it had been almost fifteen minutes, but he wasn't really paying attention to the time; but more so how much his eyes were seeming to want to close.

    When his phone did go off, his hazel eyes snapped open as a yawn escaped his lips. He ran his hand over his face before he grabbed his phone and unlocked it to read the message.

    An eye brow shot up when he read it. Jason had said that he should have a nickname for him and said he was going to call him cuckoo because the first part of his name was Coo. He chuckled a bit at the nickname and shook his head; might as well call him that because he was crazy. He was used to strange nicknames but no one had ever called him cuckoo like that.

    He shifted himself up into a sitting position before he leaned back against his bedroom wall; mostly to try to keep himself from falling asleep anytime soon. He then clicked 'reply' on his phone and started to type his reply.

    Cuckoo, huh? Like the bird or like cuckoo-cuckoo crazy? or r they spelled 2 dif ways? thats a new 1 usually ppl just call me coop but watever floats ur boat bby. S'all good wit me.

    He typed before he read over his message and sighed before he decided to add on a little warning; just because he didn't want to seem like too much of an asshole right away.

    oh if i dont reply i fell aslep.

    Cooper added to the message before he pressed the send button.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Just as he thought, there was a message waiting for him. It had been sent a few minutes ago.

    Jason flopped back down onto the bed again, looking at the text.

    Oh god, this guy has flawed logic, was the first thought that crossed his mind when he read the text, Jay-Jay because my name sounds like Jay Son...gosh...

    He thought about his reply, " Maybe I should tell him that I prefer Jason...Then again, do I really care if he calls me Jay-Jay? Augh, this is so confusing! Why should I even care if he calls me that?!"

    He rolled over and landed face down into his pillow, just a bit frustrated. Jason sighed into the white fluffy feather stuffed pillow, then rolled over again, starting to type his reply.

    Oh, ok. Jay-Jay, huh? Makes me think that I should have a nickname for u. Mb I'll call u cuckoo, because ur name is Cooper and Coo is the first syllable in Cooper. :P

    Jason looked it over, " No, that seems mean!" he decided, and tapped the backspace button. Only it wasn't the backspace button. It was the send button.

    " AUGHHH NO NO NO!" he yelled at it, frantically attempting to unsend the message. But alas, what was done was done. Now all Jason could do was wait for Cooper's response.

    So he did just that, lying on his bed, staring up at the blank white ceiling, and just waited. Jason tugged his bangs, wondering if Cooper would find the comment rude or anything like that...

  12. Characters in this post:
    Cooper set his phone down on his chest before he reached his hand over and flipped the radio part of his alarm clock on. He turned the volume down so he wouldn't wake Kaidan if the sound leaked through the thin wall that separated their rooms.

    He was about to close his eyes went his phone vibrated and he picked it up off his chest and read the message from the blond-haired male. He thought about the other's question before he sent a responding message.

    Ur name duh. jason is sometimes spelled jayson plus it sounds like jay-son so Jay-Jay is part of ur name jay times two and the first letter of ur name is j.

    He sent the message before he set his phone onto his night stand and groaned when a song came on the radio he really didn't want to listen to.

    It made him think of Marissa, not the whore Marissa had turned into; but the Marissa he had fell for. She started out pretty, before she dyed her hair, before she started dressing like a whore; back when she still wore her glasses and hung out with people who were her friends, not the fake bitches she started to hang out with. At one time he thought they were in love, but within eight months all she did was change.

    She had expected him to stay with her; even after he found out she was pregnant with someone else's kid. She wouldn't even tell him who the biological father was; only that she wanted him to help her raise it. He had refused, he had been outraged. Thinking about it brought back the same feelings. He had never thought she would have wanted sex that bad; yeah, she had thrown herself at him a few times but she had always understood, or at least pretended to understand.

    He groaned and turned the radio station to a rock station, so he wouldn't have to listen to any songs that she would have liked. He didn't want to think about her. She wasn't worth his thoughts. If he was smart, he'd get up and study his geometry before bed, but instead he just laid there waiting for his phone to go off.

  13. Characters in this post:
    It took just about two minutes before Jason heard his phone buzz with a message from an Cooper. He flipped it open, and read the message, furrowing his brows a little.

    Again with the nickname! Jason didn't really know what to make of it. How did the guy come up with a nickname like Jay-Jay? He rolled over onto his stomach, typing out a response to the text he had gotten.

    Nothing much. I've got a question, where did you get the nickname Jay-Jay?

    After looking it over a few times and making sure that it didn't seem rude or anything, he sent the text.

    " I should go take a shower..." Jason murmured to himself, sliding up off the bed and into the bathroom. He tossed his shirt onto the ground, and stepped out of his jeans, turning the shower on, and then easing into it.

    The warm water poured over his body, washing away the memories of the day. He scrubbed at the sweat and grease that had accumulated through the day with lemon scented soap, and then started on washing his hair.

    Fifteen minutes later, Jason stepped out of the shower, drying himself off with a fluffy white towel, and slipped into another t shirt and jeans. He threw his old clothing into the laundry basket, and stepped outside, prepared to check his phone to see if Cooper had texted back.

  14. Characters in this post:
    "Yeah, the day after tomorrow," Cooper said, "No problem, you're going to need it anyway so we know what days to do this tutor thing." He said before he reached over and ruffled Kaidan's head; the boy caught his hand and gave it a pat as he looked around.

    "It's no problem, I feel like I owe you something. Improving my studies is a reward to me; not you, unless you want to be a teacher or something." He told him. He hated when people did things for free for him; he always felt like it was because of how poor his family was. Yeah, his grandpa left a lot of money for them, but his mother had already managed to spend all of it on booze and things that they didn't need.

    "Yeah, see ya tomorrow." He said, Kaidan waved and called 'bye' after the blond haired male.

    They arrived back home close to six pm, the walk had seemed longer than the walk there but they managed the fourteen blocks with easy. Their mom still wasn't home so Cooper got the bath water ready for Kaidan before he went and made them dinner; it was done within thirty minutes.

    The two ate dinner in silence before Cooper helped Kaidan with his home work and then took his own shower while the boy went to watch some television. When their mom got home it was close to eight o'clock and she was completely wasted; she went straight to her room and passed out. The black-haired teen got his brother ready for bed and then tucked him in at 8:59pm before he went to his own room.

    Cooper plopped down on his bed and ran his fingers through his drying hair before he glanced up when his cell phone went off. He leaned over and grabbed it from his night stand and unlocked it before he read the text from an unknown number.

    It was Jason. He saved the number to his contacts before he decided to be at least somewhat friendly and replied:

    What's up, Jay-Jay?

  15. Characters in this post:
    He nodded, " Alright, so the day after tomorrow, correct? I'll make a note of that. Thanks for giving me your schedule, Cooper," Jason said, tucking the schedule into his backpack, and zipping it up.

    Jason hoisted the pack onto his back, and looked towards Cooper again, " Oh, no, you don't have to do that," he replied, " As long as you improve in your studies, that's a good reward to me," and smiled. After all, the goal of a tutor was to help the student improve in their studies.

    He gave a small wave as he exited the building, " See you later..."

    Jason arrived home at 5:31 pm, as it took him a while to walk home, because he stopped for a snack at a nearby cafe. He had gotten quite hungry during the tutoring session, and had done his best to ignore the inner callings of his stomach.

    Entering his apartment, he walked straight to his room, dropping his bag onto the ground against his desk. Jason sighed, " Today was a handful..." he muttered to himself, " Ah well, best get started on the homework..."

    He wondered where Marissa was, as she didn't seem to be present in the house. Ah well, Jason figured that she might've been hanging out with her friends. It wasn't his business, after all.

    It took him two hours to get through the whole stack of homework his teachers had assigned the first day back from spring break. He sighed as he made sure that he had all of it done, and tucked it into his backpack. Jason then pulled out the paper with Cooper's number scribbled onto it.

    Might as well text him now...

    So he did:

    Hey Cooper, it's Jason.

    Jason clicked send, and then plopped down onto his bed, sighing a little.

  16. Characters in this post:
    "Oh sure, Jay-Jay, and la Luna is not the moon," Cooper rolled his eyes when the blond insisted he wasn't a nerd. "I don't want to fail a class this year but I didn't take any notes. At least you did it during the break and not summer." He mused before he shrugged slightly, "Suppose it does make it easier for you to tutor me, I should be glad Mr. Hofucker hooked you up with me; but I'm not."

    His hazel eyes flicked over when the other stopped mid-sentence when he dropped the nickname on him. He seemed a bit flustered, and Cooper couldn't help but chuckle just a bit at the younger male.

    The blond seemed to ignore it and went back to speaking and explaining how to calculate the volume of the prism on the page. It wasn't exactly the reaction he had wanted; but it hadn't been a negative reaction either. This meant he was going to stick with the nickname until it annoyed the other; and then he would just come up with other things to call him.

    Cooper was used to nicknames, having a name like 'Cooper' people often just shortened it to 'Co' or 'Coop'; and because he was used to having a nickname, he often gave people nicknames. Not everyone always liked their nickname, so he was also used to having to change a nickname until it fit the person he was talking to.

    They studied for another hour or so, Jason teaching him different things about different shapes while Cooper tried to understand; and when he didn't, he actually asked him questions about things and wished he had brought a notebook. He would have to remember to bring one the next time they had a tutor session. "Eh. I tried to understand." He said and shrugged. "I work tomorrow after school so the day after I'm free," he said before he took a piece of paper from Kaidan (the boy had gone off and found paper and crayons to color with.) He wrote his work schedule down and his cell phone number, "Here, this is my schedule, unless they change it. Just call me or text me so I have your number and I'll let you know if they change my hours around." He told him, folding the paper before he handed it to him.

    Kaidan packed up his things and took them back to the librarian before Cooper stood up and stretched when the boy walked back over. "Yeah, well, normally I think people are supposed to pay tutors. I can't, don't got the money. But if you come in sometime when I'm working I can get you a free ice cream cone or something." He offered.

  17. Characters in this post:
    " I am not a nerd!" Jason insisted, " I merely don't want to fail classes this year!" He flipped the page, " I did it over spring break, okay? You should be glad that I did it or it'd be a lot harder tutoring you..."

    He sighed, " And alright then, at least you know tha-" Jason stopped when he heard his nickname. Suddenly, he seemed a bit flustered, and tousled his hair with his fingers.

    Jay-Jay, Jason thought, That's a nickname...right?

    He'd never been giving a nickname before, and didn't know how to respond to that.

    Should I act annoyed? Be fine with it? Ignore it? What should I do?!

    Although Jason was used to acting 'cool' or 'nice' in most situations, most people didn't really like getting close to him or giving him nicknames, as he seemed to radiate a sort of 'don't associate with me' aura. Not in the bad way, just that it seemed hard to get to know him, because Jason pretended to be all those things that others thought he was. Sure he had friends, but he was so fake around them, pretending that he didn't care about grades and whatnot.

    So when Cooper called him Jay-Jay, Jason had no idea how to react. After a few moments of inner conflict, he decided to ignore it, " So anyways, you need to calculate the volume of this prism..."

    They studied like that for another hour or so, with Jason doing his best to teach the guy that sat next to him. At the end of the session, he shut the book, " Good work," Jason said to Cooper, tucking the notebook and textbook back into his bag, " So, according to your work schedule, when is the next time that you can meet with me? I'd like to know, so that things don't get confusing."

    He offered a small smile to the guy, "And I think that you'll pass if you try."

  18. Characters in this post:
    Cooper watched the other two at the table; he made a mental note that Jason's smiles were real for the eight year old. Kaidan thanked the blond again before he started looking through the book he had found on one of the shelves, leaving the two alone to get to Cooper's tutoring.

    "Yeah, the very, very basics." He said, shrugging simply. He knew he wasn't the smartest person in the world, but he was going to try to learn enough to at least be able to pass and go onto Algebra 2. He needed to graduate as soon as he could, he was already behind and he knew he was screwed if he didn't graduate at nineteen.

    He couldn't help but feel that he probably looked ridiculous in the library; with his shaggy hair and skinny jeans. He had never really been into books, they usually just put him to sleep unless they were really good; but he had barely managed to read the 'Harry Potter' saga let alone read any of the crap teachers wanted him to read. His hazel eyes flicked around at all of the books and he snorted slightly to himself.

    The seventeen year old look back over when Jason dug through his book bag and pulled out a notepad; explaining he had took simplified notes on the subjects they would be learning. "Nerd." He said and chuckled, "You did this over Spring break? Or did you have this done over the summer? Damn."

    He scooted just a bit closer to have a better look at the notebook, "A prism is a parallelogram, with all parallel sides; I'm not a complete moron, Jay-Jay." He mused, giving the other male a nickname, just testing out how it sounded.

    For once he was actually paying attention to all of the educational stuff the blond was telling him, he was trying to give all of his attention to the words and lock them into his brain. Every once in a while he would get distracted on looking over to Kaidan before he would look back to the notebook, pointing out the things he already knew.

  19. Characters in this post:
    He smiled at Kaidan again; the boy was just too adorable! " Of course I'll make him do his work. It's for his own good, after all."

    Then Jason looked back towards Cooper, and sighed, "Oh, okay. So from the very basic basics, huh?"

    This was the good part about Jason. When he was told to do something, he did it, and he put a lot of effort into it. He never skimped on anything, nor gave up. And no matter how tough of a case Cooper was, Jason wouldn't give up on him.

    Since Cooper got to the library, Jason's opinion of the bad boy with an attitude had changed just a little bit. He seemed to be very protective of his brother, Kaiden, much like how Jason was protective of Marissa. Jason respected Cooper for that. The tough guy personality was probably a result of something that happened in his past, and although Jason wasn't one to dig, he had to admit that he was just a little bit curious as to why...

    He dug into his backpack again, " I thought that something like this might happen, so I took simplified notes on the subjects that we have to learn this year and copied them down in this notebook," Jason said, pulling a thin notepad out of the bag.

    He set it down on the table, opening it to the first page, then began to read its contents, " So, a prism is..."

    Jason looked towards Cooper, wondering if the guy was actually listening to him or not. After all, he had put a lot of effort into tutoring Cooper, but he wasn't sure if Cooper was acknowledging that.

  20. Characters in this post:
    "I don't need to bring something if I already know I'm bad at all of it," Cooper said, annoyance audible in his tone. "I failed last year because I didn't understand. I still don't understand any of it; I need help with it all." He said, crossing his arms back against his chest.

    "Yeah, he's great. He's such a happy kid despite all the shit our mom has brought into our lives," He said, admiration in his voice. He didn't know how his brother managed to stay so happy, even though he was a child, he had seen a lot. He then laughed at what Jason said next, "Me? Good? Nah. May be I was at one time, but I'm not anymore."

    Most of the good had been beat out of him when he was just a bit older than Kaidan; he wouldn't let the same thing happen to his little brother. He'd kill anyone who ever tried to hurt him.

    He ruffled Kaidan's blond hair when the boy spoke to the other male at the table. He was such a sweet kid, he really was. He wished he could go back to being his brother's age, back when he could still see all the good in the world.

    "Please help him," Kaidan said, smiling brightly. "I know my brother is smart! You just have to make him do his work, that's all. I'm sure you can help him, thank you very much."

    "Oh shush," Cooper said, "You're so cute, you might as well start spitting rainbows and skipping around with a basket of flowers to cheer everyone up." He said before he turned his attention back to Jason as the male slid the book over to him.

    He listened as Jason explained how to do the formula on the page; however, he mostly just stared at it was his head slightly cocked to one side. It all sounded like a foreign language to him, 3x and
    8y and angle A is 38 degrees; he was never going to use any of it, he didn't see the point in having to take a math class he was never going to have to use. He didn't want to be some type of builder. Hell, he didn't know what he wanted to do but he sure wasn't going to build anything.

    "You can explain that as slow as you want, I'm not going to get it." Cooper groaned, "All I got out of that was, 'Why the hell do I have to take a class that I'm never going to use in life?'' He said, "I mean seriously. When am I going to need to know the size of a triangle's angles? Am I going to be walking down the street and suddenly some guy is going to be like, 'Raaaa! It's a game show right here! Answer this question, what is the total sum of the angles in a triangle? You'll get one-million dollars if you get it right!'" He said, rolling his eyes. Kaidan looked up from the book he was flipping through to giggle.

    He ran his hand over his face and he shook his head a bit, "Let's try something else may be? Like something easier with not as many shapes."

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